Sunday, September 8, 2013

Oh, you know.

     Hello, good person, reading my blog.  I'm not sure what we're doing here just yet but I feel like I should be writing. And I feel like you keep asking me to write. So let's hang out. Facebook posts are just too flimsy for us, I know. And nobody quite understands why I post so much stuff there anyway. Maybe they are all misdirected blips and bloops that really should be channeled into a blog. Surely, I have more to say. Of course I do. Who doesn't. Oprah said, the one thing that everyone she ever met wanted, was to be heard. We all want someone to listen and to hear us. So if you're reading and "listening", I thank you. You are kind and good.
      I am sitting beside a bowl of gemstones and crystals that I intended to "cleanse" today. Happily my new crystal bible says I can just use my MIND. So glad. So let us imagine, as I am writing and you are reading, my bowl of stones are being cleared and recharged. We don't have to get up or measure salt or get our hands wet or nothin. Good news.
      When I was a kid, I loved crystals. For my thirteenth birthday my mom took me and two girlfriends to a gem and mineral show. That's what I wanted to do. I had a small collection of pretty rocks. I wonder what happened to them. I didn't use them for anything, I just really liked having them. I kept some in a pouch that I wore. A rainbow, crocheted pouch. I know.
      These days, I am older. So much older. And I am on my own really. I am home mostly with my little boy, who is 4 now. Other than taking care of him and his needs, keeping him safe, clean, fed, healthy, happy, and answering his many, many, daily questions, I am with myself. He is in his four year old world and I am in my 38 year old world and we wander through our days together, holding hands. I have no-one to please but myself these days. My husband seems to love me no matter what I do, or say, or wear. He's good like that. I'd like to say I don't care what anyone thinks of me. But that is not entirely true. I am hoping as I age I will become gradually more and more eccentric. I am going to work my way there. By the time I am 80, I will be a full-on wack-nut. But for now, I'm going with becoming a Reiki Master and gettin my crystal on.
      You know, all this stuff like Reiki and crystals, astrology, psychics, mediums, tarot cards, I believe in it. I don't understand how any of it works. I love not knowing. I get the feeling that what I think I know about this life is not really accurate and this is comforting to me because what I think, freaks me out.  I figure the "truth" is better than what it seems.
     I would like to go to a metaphysical college where you could take classes in this stuff. I would major in astral projection and time travel. Do they have colleges like that? Underground? I hope they are free. I bet they have conferences like that. Maybe for my 80th birthday, I will go. Covered in sequins and glitter, with a big feathery hat. That sounds like a show-girl. I guess I'll grow up to be a show-girl. An elderly, astral projecting, show girl. And I'll sing too. Watch out.

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