Friday, September 27, 2013

Beautiful Days

   Today was a beautiful day. In all ways.
   Joseph kissed me goodbye this morning on the back of my head as I lay half asleep in bed. I rolled over and practiced some sleepy Reiki. I got up and made my bed. I got Desmond up. Carried my little boy downstairs and we fed Spidey together like we do every  morning. I had delicious organic oatmeal with raisins, cinnamon and milk. We got dressed for the gym and got our Halloween decorations out. We hung black paper bats in our windows. We went to the gym. A girlfriend of mine told me I have great legs. I took the Friday, no joke, kick your ass, class and I felt strong and healthy and good. Desmond played with his friends in the child care. We came home and swept the old cobwebs off the porch so we could hang fake spiderwebs in their place. We decorated the house for Halloween because we just can't wait. Desmond napped his three hour nap. I ate some organic roasted chicken and sweet potato black bean saute for lunch. Had a homemade healthy almond joy bar for dessert. I had hot tea. My good friend and neighbor came over for a haircut. We talked and we laughed. He paid me. Another friend came by and bought a big painting of Joseph's for a big price and I felt nothing but joy for Joseph. I laughed and talked with that friend too. We got Desmond up together. Des and I said goodbye to our friend and we got ready for Desmond's gymnastics class. I watched Desmond, so much more confident and comfortable than he was at his first class last week, swinging from the rings, tumbling on the mats, jumping on the trampoline, playing air guitar to klezmer music while he waited for his turn. I got to spend time with my good friend while we watched our kids roll and jump around. We gave his little friend a ride home. Made a stop at the health food store in town for some cashews, peanut butter, shredded coconut, whole wheat bread, whole wheat tortillas and a $6 pint of organic chocolate ice cream, because, why not. Came home to our Halloween house, with it's twin ghosts lit up and candy corn lights glowing in the dark. I managed to resist the urge to buy Chinese food and had home made mushroom soup and toast with Joseph's home made pesto instead. Desmond and I ate our chocolate ice cream cones together and talked about our day. Joseph's car pulled up to the house and we all went outside to greet him, Desmond, Spidey and I, and we talked about our spooooooky house. I got a kiss, a hug and a smile. Joseph got Desmond ready for bed, giggling and cuddling. I tucked Desmond in and was tickled, kissed and hugged. I made tea.
   And now, I am sitting next to my cup of hot tea, at my friendly lap top, listening to Joseph talk with his new designer contact that wants to sell his art. I am writing to you. I have an incredibly blessed life. I am OK. Today was a good day. Tomorrow is Saturday. All is well.
    And, I love you. Goodnight.

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